By now the global media outlets, as well as true journalists, have had a full week to digest the fallout from the people of the United Kingdom saying 'no more' to their subordination to the European Union rules and regulations - the popular vote known as Brexit. True Democracy isn't pretty, but it is definitive. That is because it shows that you cannot abandon the people at large and expect them to support the status quo when important decisions are on the line. Yes, once in a while the people will kick the establishment in the ass for not paying attention to them. That's what True Democracy is about.
The people in charge wanted Great Britain to stay within the European Union organization, because it would have been great for the banks who count debts as assets, for the political class that sheers money from kickbacks & sweetheart deals, and for the businesses that depend upon cheaper labor via freedom of movement clause. All the while, the small guys who catch fish, grow crops, etc. would be subjected by the impractical homogenized collective farm style rules that make it all but impossible to earn a living wage. Oh and the kicker - to continue to fund the European Union's financial debt, the United Kingdom's citizens were forced to "contribute" via public funds to prevent the giant ticking debt time bomb that is the EU from going off one more cycle.
A lot of people from the Remain camp have accused the Leave campaign advocates of using fear and racism to get the people to vote. They have accused them of having no plan, no leadership and no clue. However, take the following points into the consideration. One, did the Remain campaign wave a financial doomsday flag of fear in front of all the British citizens? Second, does the status quo need a plan to continue doing things the same as they were before? Lastly, if they were any kind of effective leaders, why were they unable to convince the European Union to compromise and provide common sense regulations for its people?
If you look objectively, the incompetence in leadership is glaringly evident on both sides of the Brexit vote. However if I were a British citizen, I would choose to go independently with my Incompetent and British-centric leadership; rather than continuing with Incompetent Euro-centric leadership that gets taken advantage of by the European Union collective farm system and is unable to effectively protect the interests of their own country's people.
Over a long enough timeline, the will of the people cannot be suppressed in an environment where the average person is taken advantage of by their government. By vote or by blood, it is inevitabe. Any drastic change such as this is bound to have growing pains - that is also inevitable. But nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without that initial failure.
I thank the people of Great Britain for showing the rest of the world what a direct Democracy looks like - leaving leadership in fear of the people, not the other way around. The rest of the world governments that neglect their people are officially on notice as of this vote.