Showing posts with label middle class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label middle class. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

From American Dream to Corporate Lie

Before we start, I want to make it clear to everyone - I no longer consider the American Government and the American Corporate landscape two separate entities. They have been melded together and when I refer in this article to "Corporate", I refer to both as one.

Ahhh, the American Dream. It began as a reflection of our forefathers' desire to give every citizen an equal opportunity to succeed, to get ahead in life. The desire to move up, achieve a greater social and economic status are all the trademarks of the New World, as no other modern society before the United States of America has provided such an opportunity. This premise of wealth and prosperity through hard work and dedication proves elusive to most. Yet through most of American history, it has yielded some of the most productive working and middle classes in the world. This concept has given the Corporate structures a great advantage in terms of innate motivation and productivity. Furthermore, people are unlikely to rise up and rebel against the Corporate structures, as this very premise makes the people believe that by rising up or rebelling they are risking a lot. While the average American citizen that followed this premise in the past was unlikely to achieve the American Dream, the very pursuit was good enough to earn a decent living - something we Americans often take for granted. 

It is, of course, pure genius from a managerial perspective. You have a productive dedicated workforce and a mental safety net for the Corporate without a whole lot of effort needed from the top. However, since the time of our forefathers, there have been significant changes in economic and societal landscapes.

From a Corporate standpoint, a person can earn money, which means that he or she can be taxed on the money earned. Furthermore, that very same person can be a productive worker for any Corporate structure. Therefore, that person has the potential to provide the Corporate structures with profit twice. As far as the Corporate landscape is concerned, the more ways money can be generated from the same source, the better.

In present day, the American Dream no longer stands as just a premise of a better tomorrow through personal effort, but rather a well-crafted concept of acquisition of goods and status, regardless of means. You've all heard the standard consumerism version - a good education, a house, two kids, two cars. This is the Corporate Lie.

This is just Corporate Propaganda to make you feel like you're doing what you think is an accepted tried and true path to prosperity. In reality, for most people who blindly follow this version of the American Dream, it is a path to financial and personal ruin.

Let's break this down. For every part of the American Lie shown above, I will give you the following - the way the Corporate structures profit from the person and an alternative the person can pursue in order to benefit himself or herself instead of the Corporate structures.

I will start with Education, both emotional and academic. This is the foundation for all successful individuals that I have come across. The Corporate Lie dictates that pursuing a higher education (College or University) can provide you with a big salary, consequently financial stability and is crucial to your career. However, this lie is pushed by the for profit schools, which are in fact corporations themselves. These corporations make money from Student Loans and Government Grants. Grants are often paid for by the American Taxpayer, while Student Loans are an easy way to make money off the student who follows the Corporate Lie. As a result, The School Corporations profit from tuition, the Bank Corporations profit from loan interest, while the American Taxpayer and the Student are paying. What's worse, the same Corporate structures are outsourcing the very professions you are being trained to fulfill. So it is very likely that after leaving a higher education facility with an enormous debt, you may not have a reasonable opportunity to pay it off.

Let's take a step back - a good academic education begins with the right mindset at a young age. That mindset can only be framed through good emotional education from parents. It is only once a person feels good about him or herself and knows how to handle emotions, as well as how to express them, that a kid is able to get the most out of academic education. Next, all the building blocks a person needs for a good academic foundation can be found from first grade through the end of high school. There are classes of both general and specialized nature that any student can take in high school, which are applicable in the workforce. By the time you leave High School, if you have dedicated yourself, you should be ready for the workforce in a general sense. Now a student needs to acquire what is considered "higher education", which I consider to be skills relevant to your profession. Now I am not saying that students should skip college, far from it. In fact certain professions - Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, actually require college. And some fields do not require higher education at all. However for majority of academic fields, a combination of less costly book study with online courses can yield better results than attending a far costlier four year university. In a four year university a student will wind up taking courses that have nothing to do with their given profession, while an online curriculum can be crafted to include just the relevant courses - after all you're paying for it. Also, while you're going through online study and book study, make sure to get an internship in your field of choice - it will teach you to apply academic knowledge to practice. And that is all you need to get the higher education necessary to enter the work force. The rest of what you need in your given profession is on the job training, that's how the vast majority of graduates (including from ivy leagues) get started anyway.

Home ownership is the most advertised part of the Corporate Lie. We have heard all the monikers - it is the first step to raising a family, it is an investment. First of all, you can raise a family in an apartment, a condo or a log cabin, if you are so inclined. Last time I checked, human reproduction in America does not coincide with owning a home. Second, a home is not an investment, far from it. A house is a depreciating asset that in most cases loses value over time and is susceptible all kinds of risks beyond your control. The "investment" myth came about the inflating home prices during the latter end of the 20th century and the first few years of the 21st. However, if you track people's salaries with respect to home values, you will see that the home by itself serves as a preservation of capital at best and a total loss of equity at its worst. A home is a dwelling that the Corporate landscape loves for a multitude of reasons, here are some:
1) Banks Collect Interest - With a 3.75% rate on a 30 year mortgage, you will wind up paying an additional 50% of the value of your home in interest over the life of your loan.
2) Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) - These bonds represent future earnings from home loans.
3) Insurance Premiums - You are required by the lending bank to pay for home insurance, which increases over time.
4) Property Taxes - Local townships love the taxes collected from home owners and constantly increase them.
5) Home Improvement Stores - Where you will spend money to make the home fit your style.
6) Furniture Stores - Where you will get a bed, couches, chairs, and tables.

And don't forget the implied repair costs associated with home ownership - a leaky roof, torn siding, burst pipe, termites, carpenter ants, mold, heating/ac problems, etc. These are all things you would likely not be responsible for, had you been living in an apartment or a condo. When you add up the difference in costs of living in a house versus apartment/condo, and add that difference to cost of the home, you can consider yourself lucky if you get half that money back when you are ready to sell your "investment".

The only way that a house becomes profitable for the consumer is if you are renting it out to tenants or its land becomes suddenly valuable due to a natural resource discovery or proximity to a desirable site.

My advice is to go for an apartment or a condo, and you will be pleasantly surprised by how much more money you can save. With the condo, make sure to only buy it when you have the money to pay for it outright - you don't want to pay the interest on the loan, trust me. You will have far fewer headaches and more money in your pocket.

Next up are the children. The Corporate structures do not see your kids as pride and joy, they see them as dollar signs and future consumers/taxpayers. With the kids, you have to pay for baby formula, diapers, clothes, medicine, daycare, etc. Yet some adults in this country are not prepared to be parents at all, neither emotionally nor financially. Life is not a lock-step approach where you hit a milestone and move on to the next one - it is a path specific to the person you are (as well as your partner) that is unique in every sense. And you should only have kids when you're absolutely ready to be responsible, in every sense of the word, for bringing another life into this world. Introducing a child into this world by parent(s) who are unable to provide the right environment for that child, is downright criminal in my opinion.

Cars, the Corporate Lie emphasizes status symbols above all else. And much like the house, a car is a status symbol. Even more so, it is also a depreciating asset that will need to be replaced at least a couple of times in your lifetime. In most cases it requires a loan, where the banks make money on interest. It provides business for the Auto Repair shops, Auto Body Shops, Oil Change facilities, Auto Parts stores, Insurance Companies, etc. Unlike the house, you do need a form a transportation. And for most people who live outside large cities where Mass Transit can be a viable substitute, a car is a necessity. However, heed my advice and don't treat it as a status symbol - get something that meets your needs for transportation while taking the least out of your wallet, nothing more. A Bentley is not going to get you to work any faster than a KIA during a traffic jam in the morning.

Don't live the Corporate Lie, live your own version of the American Dream that is based on personal fulfillment and true happiness that is not tied to anything you can buy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Apathy, Polyarchy, and Squeezing the Middle

Isn't it great living in the United States of America? I certainly think so, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to write my column here every week. But make no mistake about it - we are losing the very foundation of what makes America great with each passing day. The worst part about this phenomenon is that we, as citizens, should be held accountable.

We may very well soon lose the freedom of expression, given the way that mayor Michael Bloomberg acted against the protesters and the media covering them. We have lost all our rights to privacy, given the way the Legislative Branch of our country has taken away our ability to sound off without that conversation being screened for keywords the government deems inappropriate. And now we are losing the foundation of unjust imprisonment without cause, the Habeas Corpus, which our wonderful government believes should be suspended. If this proposition goes through, anyone may be imprisoned and held without just cause. Yes, we are one step away from becoming a police state - the United Socialist Republics of America. Given all of rights that are taken away from us, we are headed towards a society that ultimately will be transformed into a dictatorship.

So how did the government obtain the ability to rule with an iron fist? The answer is voter apathy. More specifically, the answer is a gradual degradation of personal freedom, elected official limitations and the significance of your vote - facilitated by voter apathy. All of this happened, while the voting public at large remained blissfully ignorant. Ever since the forefathers of our country drew up the Constitution, every elected official has been trying to "game the system" and circumvent the underlying principles by claiming they were bringing forth an "improvement". As a result, we now have elected incompetent career politicians, who can take a "secret vote" in Congress so that their constituents can't even hold them accountable for the miscarriage of justice!

The majority of Americans simply believe that their vote counts for nothing. This fact has become a very destructive factor in the process of electing public officials. Let's look at the reasons why - electoral colleges and the two party system.

Electoral colleges disregard the popular vote, where my one vote in New Jersey is equal to someone's vote in Wyoming. Instead, Electoral colleges weigh the complete popular vote of a state with an assigned nominal value that is given to that state's winning party. This "homogenized" nominal value is why majority of individuals don't even bother showing up to vote. For example - I live in a very Democrat-dominated state and chances are most national elections will have New Jersey's nominal votes go to a Democratic candidate. As a result, many non-Democrats never bother showing up voting due to the belief that their vote will not be enough to overtake the Democratic majority. On the other side, many Democrats also don't show up to vote, because they believe there are enough Democrats to make the majority a winner every time without their vote.

The two party system stigmatizes and squeezes the middle class, making the largest segment of the United States' population feel ambivalent towards voting. If it were up to me, there would be no political parties whatsoever. A political party is a drug for the ignorant - a way to vote for a broad ideology that provides no real solutions, just feel-good monikers and slogans which get their party candidates elected instead. Let's take a look at the facts - we currently have a two-party system, where the vast majority of elected officials are either Democrats (who appeal to the lower class, the have-nots) and the Republicans (who appeal to the wealthy and the corporate). Both parties are raping the United States of America through entitlements. The Democrats are trying to take tax dollars and spend it on education, unemployment, tax breaks and free healthcare for the lower classes. The Republicans are trying to provide tax preferential treatment to corporations and upper class, spending wildly on defense, repeal anti-trust laws, and sell out American jobs overseas. Both Democrats and Republicans demolish the national budget. But who pays for these entitlements (corporate and individual)? Why it's the middle class, of course! The wealthy and Corporate hardly ever pay the taxes they actually must according to the tax code, while the lower class can't pay what it doesn't have. That leaves the middle class to foot the bill for politicians' irresponsible, and mostly irrelevant, promises. This results in the weakening of the middle class and, ultimately, the economy which depends upon it.

Had the voting America actually gotten together and lobbied the government for the abolition of the Electoral colleges and political parties, we may actually have candidates worth voting for, instead of some talking figure that must abide by the party ideology.

The United States of America is a Polyarchy state. Since we are very young, we are taught that America is the land of Democracy. That is simply false, because in a true Democracy every vote is counted equally, regardless of which part of the country it comes from. Furthermore, in a true Democracy there are no elected officials, as the people decide by a popular vote on every issue. In a Polyarchy, you have the elite few making decisions for the public. Therefore, United States of America is a Polyarchy state, where the power is being withdrawn from the people with each passing day.  

Benjamin Franklin was once asked: "...shall we have a Monarchy or a Republic?"
To which he replied: "A Republic, if you can keep it."

...and we haven't been very good about keeping it.