Showing posts with label term limits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label term limits. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Refreshing Congress

Get this, Donald Trump was actually right about one thing - in order to make Washington DC work for the people, those elected by the people cannot spend their careers in Washington.

The elected officials were never supposed to become career politicians according to the founding fathers of our nations. They were supposed to serve for a certain amount of time and return to their prior career afterwards. This way the government would stay connected with the people it served, because the decisions they made while in office would also affect them after they have completed their terms.

In addition, the added benefit of changing elected officials more often is that the special interest lobbies will be unable to depend on career politicians remaining in their pockets for the long term. They will need to court each and every newcomer, which won't be as easy since being bought for the short term will have potential dire consequences for their long term careers.

It is a very simple thing to say that term limits should become law, but it is incredibly difficult to make this a reality. The elected officials who enjoy unlimited benefits at taxpayer expense will not turn off their cash flow willingly. But besides Trump being right about it and promoting the idea, Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Ron DeSantis have introduced legislation this past January 3rd.

Unfortunately, politicians like Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer want the American people to forget about this proposal. Even politicians I used to have respect for, will not return phone calls or emails about the matter. Yes, the cash flow that being a career politician is quite a powerful force over serving the people that have elected you - it is a drug addiction. Well, I say it is time for an intervention.

We need to call, email, and show up at our elected officials offices. We need to let them know that if they do not support the term limits legislation proposal that should become law, this will be the last term they will ever serve.